Craft shapes for decorations and labels
For many years we have stocked chunky heart shapes routed from mdf which have been very popular with schools and youth groups as they provided a cheap base for an hour or so project; sanding, painting and decorating them as a personalised hanging decoration for gifts to family members. They have also been popular with…
New Eggs For Sale Sign
Our new ‘Eggs For Sale’ went live today. Quite pleased with it as it is all hand painted; the letters by me, the hen by my mum. I have much more respect for signwriters after doing this!
Sunflower Down
Disaster! Came home to find the 2015 giant sunflower on its side. It makes it a bit easier to measure though… so at 12’6″ it means there was a little bit of growth since the last measurement but I suspect that was mainly in the head opening up fully. The seed head of the sunflower measures…
Growing SRC willow for firewood
For some years now we have been growing a variety of traditional basket making willow for use as wreath bases, twig wreaths and wreath decorations with any leftovers and offcuts being used as fuel for use in wood boilers. Nothing at all goes to waste. We spotted a number of websites proclaiming hybrid willow and poplar…
Making Log Wreath Picks
Son and heir James has found a new skill to raise funds before returning to Manchester for the final year of his Masters degree…. bundling up small willow ‘logs’ to make what florists call “picks” which are used to decorate festive wreaths and garlands. A length of green stubbing wire is wrapped around three suitably sized…
Leafing Tomato Plants
We usually only remove tomato leaves as they eventually turn yellow as the tomato plant slowly moves its efforts to supporting fruit higher up the plant (i.e. de-leafing the plant up to the truss that is producing ripe tomatoes). But, due to the very low light levels we have experienced this year we have got a bit ahead…
Gathering Onions and Garlic
Our 2015 onion and garlic harvest began in earnest. The onions and garlic had been pulled and left to dry on the soil but now it is time to dress them up a little and then store them in racks at the shed.
Mowing draws the crowds
Yesterday proved to be quite an attraction for the residents of our coppice with both hens and geese needing to see if anything tasty was being uncovered. This field was partially planted with ash trees (all grown from seed ourselves) but after news of the breakout of ‘ash die back’ we planted the remainder of the field with…
The giant sunflower has flowered
I don’t know if they stop growing once they have flowered so we thought it best to take a measurement…. 12′ 3″ (3.73 meters). Definitely a personal best but I suspect it won’t be enough to win the local competition. All the plants in the local competition were from the same source so it was…
15th Continental Beer Festival
We are always on the lookout for logos that shows off our logs (and it makes a change from doing table numbers) and when the New Continental launched promotions for its 15th Annual Beer Festival it looked just the ticket.