The Rustical Farm Walk is a beautiful series of mown paths on a 10 acre site of productive woodland coppice and grassland which is rich in diverse wildlife.
Suitable for a gentle walk to get away from the hustle and bustle of the day, gather your thoughts or take some exercise with or without the dog.
The grass can be wet and muddy after heavy rainfall so suitable footwear is required. It is a working farm with lots of trip and slip hazards and there are ponds and ditches to fall in to if caution is not observed so please understand that you enter the site entirely at your own risk.
There are mown paths and tracks are around the perimeter of the site and also some paths in between the trees.

In dry weather, the majority of the paths are fully accessible but there are some steep hills involved on certain routes. In wet weather these grass paths can be slippy and there are patches that can get quite spongy and muddy. After prolonged rain we do close off some paths to prevent excessive damage. We are hoping to be able to offer all weather disabled access to some parts of the site very soon.

IMPORTANT – Recently flea treated dogs MUST NOT be brought on site as even the slightest contamination from the powerful pesticides can have a devastating impact on aquatic ecosystems and can easily kill off all the insect life within a pond and we really don’t want that.
Well behaved dogs are welcomed to share your walk and can be off lead to allow them to get some good exercise exploring the undergrowth but there are ditches and ponds so expect a wet, muddy dog. The site is stock fenced.

Respect for other walkers with or without dogs is essential and expected. The farm walk is also useful for photography, bird watching, nature watching, Search & Rescue training, Mantrailing, outdoor yoga and wellbeing etc or for no other reason than you want to enjoy this very special location all by yourself.
Farm Walk Shared use – £10 per 55 mins: Max 2 People 4 Dogs – £5 per additional person/dog. Appointments available on the hour in daylight hours or until 7pm.
Farm Walk 1 Month Pass – £100 Shared Use. Up to two 55 minute visits every day for 1 month – Max 2 People 4 Dogs. Pass holder must be present.
Farm Walk 3 Month Pass – £250 Shared Use. Up to two 55 minute visits every day for 3 months – Max 2 People 4 Dogs. Pass holder must be present.
Payment is by BACS, card or cash. Receipts will be provided. Appointments are on the hour for 55 minutes in daylight hours or until 7pm in the summer. Strictly by appointment only.
- No recently flea treated pets please. Read more
- Dog poo on any paths or tracks should be removed from site.
- No climbing on or over fences or gates.
- Access by appointment only.
For more information please email or ring 07834 324080 (8am – 7pm only PLEASE).